

I always thought that I'd live to see the day when fireballs became a reality, but I never guessed that someone would one day figure out how to grow a 1UP Mushroom. Think Geek is selling the kit for only 8.99, which includes a green pipe planter, spores, and a solution that transforms the seedlings, in a dark room for a couple of weeks, into what you see above. I have little doubt in my mind that eating one of these could quite possibly grant me another 80-something years of life. Now will someone please invent an invincibility star?


  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Does it really look like that when it grows? That's awesome!

  2. Samwise. Just tried to purchase one as a gift.
    and, apparently, I am a huge moron!

    it's a fake!

  3. Apparenly I am too a huge moron. From now on I guess I should check the links I post more carefully! Too bad though.
