
The Home Stretch (brought to you by the letter P)

In preparation for my Top Ten Movies of the Year post (coming this Friday), this week will find me racing all around town to see PAN'S LABYRINTH, PERFUME: THE STORY OF A MURDERER, SWEET LAND, THE PAINTED VEIL, THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND, and possibly repeat viewings of LITTLE CHILDREN and CHILDREN OF MEN. Making matters worse: The Belcourt's Janus Films retrospective, which this week alone brings THE RULES OF THE GAME, KWAIDAN, THE EARRINGS OF MADAME DE..., DEATH OF A CYCLIST, and KNIFE IN THE WATER.

Top Ten season comes but once a year... Wish me luck.


  1. Samwise,

    I'm calling it right now... PAN'S LABYRINTH will be in your TOP 5 for this year.

    Before you give me a "huge horrible" on it... remember I predicted PRIDE & PREJUDICE would be climbing towards the top of your list last year.


  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    nice. can't wait to see what another viewing of little children does for your thoughts on that film!

  3. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Sam, your blog rocks!! Maybe I'm a little jealous cause my blog sucks ... and maybe I'm a little drunk, lets never speak of this again.
