

I don't know much about my Flickr friend Anthony Gerace other than that he's from Toronto and I love his work. His self-initiated concert posters struck me in their nostalgic design, evoking old paperback book covers of the 80's. Recently he's been embarking on a project entitled "Final Decline and Total Collapse" in which he illustrates antiquated chairs and lamps... the kind of project that really allows a designer to refine his or her voice though repetition. Anthony also has a great way with abstract photo collage, and I highly recommend checking out his Flickr for more collages and color studies. Anthony, keep up the great work (and tell us all where we can find out more about you)!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    LOVE the rainbow colored dots!!!!....and I love finding new artists on your blog, Sam....thanks for spreading good art!!!
