

One of the pleasures of working with The Criterion Collection was meeting a fellow designer whom I admire, Eric Skillman. Eric is a designer, illustrator, art director and comic writer, and he handles a lot of Criterion's gold-standard DVD cover designs in house. His blog, Cozy Lummox, is a great designer's bookmark, as Eric frequently posts about the design process behind some of these already-iconic covers. As someone who recently fell head first into pro cover design with my recent work for Criterion, Eric's process blogs have been extremely helpful and inspiring. Plus, if you're a Criterion junkie like me, it's neat to see all of the rejected cover designs, no matter how unfinished. Below are some of Eric's Criterion covers, including some fantastic illustrations for the release of BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ (also seen above), and his latest cover for John Ford's STAGECOACH. I watched the latter on Blu-ray just last night, and I can say that this cover definitely amps you up to appreciate this black-and-white western as a piece of entertainment. Also check out this 20 Questions piece, in which Eric talks some more about his process and designing for Criterion.

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