William commissioned me to make this poster for next weekend's Lambchop show at the VFW Hall in Nashville. It's an 18x24" signed & numbered print, edition of 50 on dark brown French paper. For sale at the show at a nice price, and here afterwards if there are some left.
My design was inspired by the song "Mr. Met" from Lambchop's new fine new record Mr. M. It's a huge honor to have been asked to do this poster for one of the greatest bands to come out of Nashville.

Gorgeous. And I love the band! Nice tribute.
Nice poster! Great group!
Do you have a high rez version you could post?
Yep, here you go Tobin, larger versions here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/samsmyth/7143222543/sizes/l/in/photostream/
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