

Last fall, I emailed Andy Vastagh in an effort to see if any local screenprinters would be interested in helping me realize my dream of bringing screenprinted film posters to the Belcourt Theatre and beyond. Andy, who for the past several years has worked under the alias Boss Construction, was kind enough and willing to give me hand and show me the ropes in his East Nashville studio. He walked me through the screenprinting process, something I've wanted to know more intimately for a long time, and I finally was able to get my hands dirty with a squeegee and some ink (NOT paint... never call ink paint). Even cooler than Andy's generosity and attitude was the realization that the Boss is not just an amazing gig poster artist himself but he's a pretty well-known one at that; his work is featured in this book among others, a definitive who's who in the gig poster community). If you've been to Bonnaroo, South by Southwest, Flatstock, Next Big Nashville or any notable show at the Cannery/Mercy Lounge, chances are you've seen Andy's work and might even have one of his posters on your wall.

It's been a great and humbling learning experience working with Andy, experimenting and feeding off each others ideas, and we'll have more collaborations to come including a special new movie poster later this month. Here are some of my personal favorite pieces of Andy's. Be sure to visit Boss Construction's site and follow Andy on Twitter for more great poster art.

BONUS VID: This video makes me too happy not to share... Andy surprising his daughter Madee (also seen in the Clap Your Hands... poster above) with a trip to see the Jonas Brothers after he did a pair of posters for them.

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