

As you know, Nashville was devastated by a historic storm this weekend that produced record floods downtown and in many towns and neighborhoods, took homes and took lives. Oh wait, you didn't know, because the national media has neglected to treat this disasters as more than a footnote in its newsfeeds. But one theme that has risen from this tragedy is that Nashville is already taking care of itself. One celebration for the cause will be tonight's Rebuild This City (with Rock and Roll): A Benefit for Nashville at Mercy Lounge-- a cover-free fundraiser for flood relief and victims with How I Became the Bomb, Paper Route and the Dozen Dimes on the bill among others.

Just yesterday morning I posted about my friend Andy Vastagh, and later that afternoon we found ourselves on iChat brainstorming ideas for a last minute poster we could collaborate on for this event. He channeled the basic concept, I illustrated the crying "Cyclops Batman Building," the surrounding city and landscape, and the Riverfront's four submerged flagpoles, and Andy wrapped it all up and laid out the type. As soon as we figure out how to print this thing without wasting gallons of now-precious water, it will be on its way to the Mercy Lounge for donors to take home as a gift for their contributions.

It feels really good to make my own contribution in this small way, through doing something that I love. My family and I have had some losses from this storm, but we are lucky to be alive, and I feel blessed to be able to help others in any way that I can. Let the rebuilding-- and the rocking-- begin.

UPDATE: Last night we quickly sold out of the 1st edition of 100 screenprints -- THANK YOU for the outpouring of support for these posters and the city of Nashville. We are fast-tracking a 2nd edition to ship on Monday, and all proceeds will continue to benefit Hands On Nashville's flood relief efforts. Tell your friends, donate to the cause, and hang one of these commemorative prints on your wall for a donation of $10. Don't make the poor Cyclops Batman Building cry! Visit BossConstruct.com to order yours. Nashville THANKS YOU!


  1. Nice job, Sam..and Andy! So Rock On! Hope there is a solid turn-out tonight!!

  2. Well done Sam!
    Your father can be so proud of you!
    Good luck and hope - what so many people around the globe need right now!

